BSDBMP – ep. 7 – Animated education and wannabe imitators

As in all darkometric winters, you get more cloudy nights and a lower probability of taking measures. So you come up with other interesting things to do, while you wait for the clear weather.

During the Winter of 2008 Francesco produced a cute educational video calle “Let’s light up the stars”.

For this production, I didn’t do anything but bug him on the need to change all the soundtrack of the first version replacing the music he used with Creative Commons tracks.

The video was quite appreciated by experts and light pollution interest groups. We still use it in our meetings and presentations, as it is always effective.

Some time after the video was launched (January 2009) we found on the web another video about light pollution and stars.
Maybe this was produced independently from ours, but we tend to think that there was some form of inspiration taken from Francesco’s work.
So…what do you do…it would have been nice to see applied the terms of the Creative Common licence (which are also available in plain Italian). But maybe we were asking too much. At least an e-mail to let us know. Point is that sometimes communication just works one way, no matter how much energy you put in establishing a two-way dialogue.