Category Archives: Senza categoria

The 2024 Palla eh!/palla a 21 Tournaments are on!

Tomorrow, July 20, the Summer series of the ancient game of palla eh! (or palla a 21), is starting. There will be six tournaments in Southern Tuscany, between Siena and Grosseto:


  • 20-21 Tirli (Castiglione della Pescaia, Grosseto)
  • 27-28 Scalvaia (Monticiano, Siena), with Sagra della panzanella


  • 3-4 Ciciano (Chiusdino, Siena), with sagra del Ciaccino
  • 10-11 Torniella (Roccastrada, Grosseto)
  • 17-18 Piloni (Roccastrada, Grosseto)
  • 24-25 Vetulonia (Castiglione della Pescaia, Grosseto)

If you don’t know the game, please visit our page, or write to for more information.

Ixtlan Agricamping in Tatti, Southern Tuscany, is open and waiting for you!

Our friends from Agricamping Ixtlan in Tatti, Southern Tuscany, told us the the camping is now ready to receive guests. In addition to the camping, we remind you of the products from their farming activity, in addition to various situations which you may experience in this hamlet in the Metalliferous hills.

For more information:…and don’t forget that this year we have the Tatti Twist!

Vedi mappa ingrandita

A representative from the Jug Band Colline Metallifere at the ECSA Conference in Vienna: How did it go?

Jack O’Malley (maybe?) at the end of the 2023/2024 Winter.

We announced in early January that a delegation from the Jug Band Colline Metallifere (namely Jack O’Malley and Mauro Tirannosauro) would have been attending the fifth European Citizen Science Association conference.

This is a medium-large event for a congress (around 500 participants), with a significant presence of extra-European folks. The topic is “citizen science”, where any citizen can become an active component of a research team, interact with professional researchers (especially in data collection) and help improve how society addresses some of its challenges with such an approach.

With the network we work in this domain since 2008. Our flagship projects are the buiometria partecipativa on light pollution project and our community maps, so we were curious of interacting with other projects on a global scale. In the meantime, together with parts of the Jug Band Colline Metallifere, we brought parts of our stories, including some wheat ears selected by Wolfgang Scheibe in the context of his rural regeneration projects in Southern Tuscany. Putting together these ingredients, and Mauro Tirannosauro in great shape, we had the possibility of presenting to a wider audience our upcoming Gran(i)Tour. In addition, we provided a little sample of our live entertainment at a workshop on citizen science and rural communities.

The initial idea for our presence in the workshop was to propose some songs from our “music and territory” repertoire. These were to be from our Italian songs, since listening to Italian is interesting for many non-Italian listeners, with the idea of showing the translation of the lyrics on screen. As the workshop was progressing, we agreed with the organizers that it would have not been immediate to make this work. At that point, Jack O’Malley sat down and in twenty minutes he wrote an English version of “Livin’ Milano” (the first of the JBCM songs about the relationship between city and countryside), adapting it to the workshop setting (but please also check out the original version). A few more acts followed.

We are now heading South, back toward the Tuscan latitudes. Thanks again to the Empowerment, Inclusiveness, and Equity ECSA working group for co-funding this mission, together with some of our JBCM viennese fan base.

Below, a few shots from the event, as well as some of the m(‘)appare Vienna survey by pibinko. For more information and booking: or +393317539228.

Here we go with the “In the Heart of Tuscany” survey!

The more you review presentations of tourism and culture situations in Tuscany, the more you get the feeling that a very high number of these places is characterised as being “…in the heart of Tuscany”. At this point we would like to better assess what is the perimeter of this heart…

The network, with over thirty years of experience in incredibly strange mapping, welcomes you to a “geo-anatomy” exercise, by helping us to locate the pulse-setting organ in this region.

If you manage a business, or you know somebody who does, and this business is “in the heart of Tuscany”, please let us know at or +393317539228.

For those of you who are more social-network oriented, please see also

All of your feedback will be relayed to our mapping department, and they will gradually create a map, which will be published at some point (we will give the survey a couple of months). If you like the initiative and would like to help us keep it alive, please consider supporting the network (

Thank you for your attention, and best regards from…the heart of Tuscany!

The Network will collaborate with the AquaPLAN Project

With the BuioMetria Partecipativa project, which since 2008 proposes interdisciplinary activities for protection and promotion of the night sky, we have been invited to be part of the “Stakeholder innovation Board” of the AquaPLAN research project, funded by the HORIZON programme of the European Commission, and coordinated by the University of Pisa. The project kicked off at the beginning of the year, and will run until the end of 2027. At the time of writing it does not have an official web site (and this is normal, since the web site development is planned in the first months of activity), so the official presentation for the moment is available from this link:

In a nutshell, the project will be studying the management of impacts on biodiversity deriving from noise and light pollution in aquatic environments.

If we put together…

  • 30 years of relations to EU-funded research
  • 20 years of creation and management of innovative project
  • 16 years of activity related to light pollution
  • 9 years of project dealing with acoustics

…we do have some ideas. However, we never heard about “stakeholder innovation”.

Before any other step, we wanted to clarify this concept. We read from authoritative sources that stakeholder innovation is “is a way to bring attention to the need for collaboration in innovative endeavours”. We also checked with institutional subjects in the European Commission space, and they told us to do “what is best”…so we are in an innovation space!

We will start to propose our activities starting from Friday, Feb. 16, with a whole day dedicated to M’illumino di Meno by RAI Radio Due (see this presentation link), and other initiatives which will follow. For more information: or +393317539228

“No Borders” M’illumino di Meno, together with BuioMetria Partecipativa. Not just night sky quality monitoring.

Bottling some Follonica air (link)

Following our Jan. 17 article presenting our track record on light and darkness engineering (link 1), and the Jan. 23 article proposing some activity hints (link 2, in Italian), here are some detailed instructions on how to participate to M’illumino di Meno (the Italian National Day of Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestyles) together with us.

We did our homework by reviewing the list of ten actions proposed by the Caterpillar radio show crew (link). We then validated this with respect to the modus operandi we have been using for years as environmental engineers. The combination of these lists has led to four ideas which we encourage you to follow:

  • Register to M’illumino di Meno (, you need to be 18+)
  • If you are participating from out of Italy: the name of the country has to be typed in English (and if you are not in a country using the Latin alphabet, the original name will automagically appear).
  • As action type indicate “altro” (else) from the drop-down list. In the description write whatever you plan to do, and add two hashtags. One for #buiometria and a second one corresponding to the activity you would like to engage in (listed below)
  • Please send a copy of the action proposal also to us ( or +393317539228).

From today until Feb. 16 we can “play”. If you reside in Tuscany (and especially between Grosseto and Pisa) we might actually be able to meet and elaborate further on these actions. In any case, we will provide a summary of our activities following Feb. 16. For more information: or +393317539228

General rule

We will not make any videos related to these four activities. A video requires a lot more energy than a photo, and even more energy (in terms of preparation and post-production) if it has to be a cool video. So a photo might be more related to the spirit of M’illumino di Meno, rather than a 4K video. Please take pictures with the lowest possibile resolution for your device.

1. “Two birds with a stone” logistics (#bmp-tbws)

esempio di UVDS del 2017 (link)

This is an application in the energy saving context of the “extreme logistics” methods in use for years in the whereabouts of the network. Not recommended for IT specialists due to a potential side effect, reported below.

  1. If you have to move with your own means of transportation, find a place more or less half way, and stop in a publicly accessible space. This can be a cafe, a grocery shop, a library, etc.
  2. Take or give something following your inspiration, or establish a non-digital contact with somebody. Spend no more than 30 minutes in the process.
  3. Tell us ( or +393317539228) what happened

With this action, for any given amount of energy required for your trip, and at most an extra of 30 minutes of your time, you will have caught “two birds with a stone”. Sometimes interesting and productive things will happen if you stop where you considered rushing.

There is a sole counter-indication: if you apply this logic in a recursive manner, you will end up in a situation similar to the Zeno’s paradox, and Christopher Nolan might shoot a movie about you. E.g, between Milano and Bologna you will stop in Parma. Then, between Milano and Parma, in Casalpusterlengo. Then, between Milano and Casalpusterlengo, in Zorlesco, and so forth (but you will find more interesting situations!).

2. The metal “band” (#bmp-metal)

Renzo Metal, our mascot for this activity. Best friend forever with Mauro Tirannosauro and Jennifer the psychedelic reindeer.

This might sound like a noisy drift with our Jug Band Colline Metallifere, but it isn’t:

  • This is reserved for residents in urbanized places with less than 100.000 inhabitants.
  • Collect small pieces of metal from the street. Save them for later (the 500-gram yogurt cups are excellent micro-containers for your micro-metal waste). Operate safely.
  • Let us know what you have retrieved ( or +393317539228)

In this case, you are not necessarily saving energy, but you are not using a lot more either, while the world will be cleaner.

3. Non-online series (#bmp-nols)

In a dreary January afternoon, two cows were licking the road to nowhere…
  • Starting from Feb. 3 via our web site we will propose openings of stories. We might either re-use old articles (we have several thousands) or create new ones.
  • Instead of watching an online series (or, if you are from the old school, maybe watching basic TV shows), you can spend thirty minutes writing a longer story, starting from our opening. Please do this on a piece of paper, with a pen.
  • If you can write at least half a page, with readable handwriting, take a picture, or transcribe it, and send it to us. We can interact directly in Italian, English, French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish.
  • The following day we will re-publish your story on our site, and we will invite our audience to continue the story
  • All the stories will be credited to the respective authors – we reserve the right not to publish content which we do not consider acceptable for the network.

This way we are saving energy by spending less time in video streaming mode (the energy to send a photo or your text via mail o messaging is a lot less than the energy required to watch an online show).

4. Buiometria partecipativa “official” (#bmp-bmp)

  1. With the BuioMetria Partecipativa project we have four “sky quality meters”, allowing the measurement of night sky quality (hence, light pollution), plus a lux meter.
  2. Please review the basics of the BuioMetria Partecipativa project (if you fancy practicing some Italian see this news report: If not:
  3. Starting from Feb. 2, through Feb. 17, these sensors will be available in some of our hubs in Southern Tuscany. One of them will be around Scansano, another one in the Metalliferous Hills. The other two might operate as “free riders”.
  4. If you are interested in taking some measurements, please check in at or +393317539228

All the measurements collected will be added to the BuioMetria Partecipativa database.

Thanks to your participation in BuioMetria Partecipativa you will be saving energy, first of all by not watching the next random episode of a random web series. During your night walk you will be able to think about what to write as a continuation of our story openings. While you go to collect your sky quality meter, you might stop in a mid-point, possibly collecting odd beer caps and other metal parts on the road. Last but not least, you will have an increased awareness on the use of artificial light and light pollution. So: the “full monty”!

Any other business (#bmp-aob)

With some folks in the network we have brainstormed about playing cards with no light, participatory “hypo-cryotherapy”, cats in the dark, and so forth. Since the “any other business” field can become very wide in our spaces, we will avoid a full listing. If you have other ideas that you would like to link to our proposal, please contact us ( or +393317539228) and we will assess them together.

Header image: a composition with parts of the M’illumino di Meno 2024 press kit with some of our logos and non-random shots from last Sunday.

Dance casting for the next Jug Band Colline Metallifere video (deadline: Feb. 9, 2024)

In a nutshell: if you know how to twist and you would like to be part (from home) of the next Jug Band Colline Metallifere video, send a clip of your best twist dancing to +393317539228 (Whatsapp or Telegram). For more context, read on…

1. Introduction

A moment of the Nov. ’23 “forestudio session”.

On Nov. 1, 2023, with the Jug Band Colline Metallifere we recorded six tracks in the “forestudio” (one of our mobile studios in Southern Tuscany. The post-production has been completed, and we considered that it would be cool for one of these tracks to have a video.

The song is called Tatti Twist. The lyrics are in English, and they tell the story of a foreign guy who likes Tuscany, and eventually relocates…you guess…in Tatti, our home base. In this video it would be nice to see some of you folks dancing: so, we decided to launch a casting for dancers. Namely, we are looking for guys or gals who will provide some twist moves.

2. To be part of the casting

2.1 Shoot a video where you are dancing some twist. Maximum duration: 15 seconds. If you have any doubts, see this page for technicalities PLEASE NOTE – THE SONG IN THIS VIDEO IS NOT THE ONE YOU WILL BE DANCING ON FOR OUR VIDEO, BUT THE GROOVE IS THE SAME:

2.2 Send the video to the Jug Band Colline Metallifere casting team

Together with the video, please also send a few lines of presentation about who you are, where you live, and why you would like to be in our video.

3. Deadline

The deadline to submit you material is February 9 (CET).

4. What happens after?

4.1 By February 23 you will be re-contacted by our casting team. If you have been selected, you will also received the instructions to be part of the video. The production will take place roughly bettween Feb. 24, and May 5, 2024.

4.2 At the end of the production phase, all the selected participants will receive a nice JBCM gift, in addition to credits in the video, which will have international visibility (to give you an idea, please consider, in addition to a netowkr of contacts of a few tens of thousands of people in our social networks).

5. Miscellanea

5.1 Please note that Wolfgang, our one-string bass player, has been participating to Twist contests in the Sixties, and that we collaborate with various dance professionals.

5.2 Depending on the nature of the “dance company” that we will assemble, this casting might be used to develop ideas for other events and initiatives with the Jug Band Colline Metallifere, the network, Tattistampa, Il Casino Booking, and other partnering organizations.

5.3 If you are intetested to sponsor the production of the video, please contact or +393317539228

5.4 The participation to the video will not require you to move from your home.

6. For more information

Foto di testa: fonte Wikipedia

A Year in Review with the Network and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere

Jennifer, the psychedelic reindeer, is the latest entry in the crew

We have only one event left to close one year of work with the network and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere: this will be the epilogue of the Fourth Winter Fest, on Dec. 21.

We then considered that we might start some housekeeping, by offering you a bird’s eye view on the blog articles we posted during 2023, combining the site ( and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere site (

In fact, the year of work is not even closing as a year, in that we are somehow following a calendar of our own. Since last Spring we are in a continuous flow of events, initiatives, and planning. This is helping us to actually slow down our pace, since we have more advance time (even though the effect on the outside is that we go too fast). Since last July we are already at work on stuff for the Summer of 2024, and so forth…stay tuned.

The Jug Band Colline Metallifere base quartet. The JBCM is our “performing arts” units (photo credits Elio Bendinelli)

In case you did not have time, please check:

We hope you will enjoy reviewing the list below…feel free to go with random clicks. You will have the possibility of refreshing some stories which you already knew, and to find out things you skipped.

Also, if you like these stories (which are in fact interdisciplinary territorial animation services), please consider the possibility of supporting them, and contact us to understand how. As E.V. from Pisa once said, after spending 24 hours in our space:

They do not live to work. Rather, the do not “work”, but the “live”. They do work, as in physics, not as in economics. Their goal is to be, to be well, and to know it. They pursue this goal for themselves and for the people they care about, who are a lot.
They deal with ecology, from any angle, including that of human aggregates, and of aggregates within each of them. They are fractal.

For more information, or quotes concerning the services offered by the network, or bookings: or +393317539228

Blog articles in 2023 (as of Dec. 20), in reverse chronological order. The list combines the Italian and English version of our stories (translations are not automated, so we think they should count as an additional article).


  1. Mauro Tirannosauro alla ricerca di Tattistampa da Minora Cornici a Bollate (MI)
  2. La consapevolezza informatica non sta aumentando…che fare?
  3. Az. Agricola I Cipressi (Capannoli, PI)
  4. Az. Agricola Ixtlan (Tatti, GR)
  5. Jennifer la Renna psichedelica e Mauro Tirannosauro lungo la Via della Citta Brusca (tappa 718 – da San Gerundivo a Frustkrausen)
  6. 17-12-23 Quando trasmetteva Teleribolla. Otto anni sulla cresta dell’onda (Il Tirreno GR)
  7. 17-12-23 Scansano: Inquinamento luminoso e sensori (Il Tirreno GR-LI)
  8. Jack O’Malley e Jennifer la renna psichedelica alla falegnameria di Roberto Serragli a Scalvaia (SI)
  9. A misurare il buio lungo la Via della Citta Brusca (16-17 dicembre) – tratto maremmano.
  10. Torniella (GR) 16.12.23: dalle 18 – clou della seconda giornata del 4° festival d’inverno + aperitivo/buffet di tesseramento circolo
  11. 15-12-23. Il ritorno itinerante del Festival d’Inverno tra note e socialità (Il Tirreno ed. GR)
  12. Clap Your Hands (The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band)
  13. Filmografia consigliata per il quarto festival d’inverno
  14. Emma Vittori (Emma X)
  15. Una proposta per le piccole associazioni in zone svantaggiate: invitate i soci “estivi” a pre-tesserarsi ora.
  16. 14-12-23: La quiete prima della non-tempesta del Quarto Festival d’Inverno
  17. 4° Festival d’inverno – locandina del 17-12-23: da Torniella (GR) a Pomonte (GR)
  18. I macrotemi del quarto festival d’inverno
  19. 13-12-23 Festival Jug Band. Prologo a Follonica (Il Tirreno GR-LI)
  20. 4° Festival d’inverno – locandina del 16-12-23: da Tatti a Torniella
  21. Questo cavallo è sulla strada di Meleta (GR) – ore 9 del 12-12-2023
  22. 4° Festival d’inverno – 15-12-23: da Follonica a Tatti
  23. Giada Giuliani – Olio su tela 16×16 cm
  24. Giada Giuliani
  25. Jennifer la Renna Psichedelica
  26. Lo svuotacantine della Jug Band Colline Metallifere (26-11-2023)
  27. Quarto Festival d’Inverno – il programma
  28. Dec. 13-21, 2023: The Fourth Jug Band Colline Metallifere Winter Fest
  29. 13-21 dicembre 2023: 4° Festival d’Inverno con la Jug Band Colline Metallifere. Sopra(l)luoghi partecipati in Maremma e dintorni
  30. Il Blues dell’evento incerto (testo)
  31. Dario Canal e Wolfgang Scheibe al lavoro…
  32. Nebbia dalla Valdera sotto Montecatini Val di Cecina (PI) – 7 dicembre 2023
  33. Ultime battute del mixaggio della “Forestudio Session” della Jug Band Colline Metallifere
  34. C’è chi dice gess’ e chi dice territorio
  35. Giulia Damico
  36. Fog from Valdera under Montecatini Val di Cecina (Pisa) – Dec. 7, 2023
  37. “Save the Date”: 15, 16 e 17 dicembre – Quarto Festival d’Inverno
  38. C’è chi dice gess’ e chi dice territorio
  39. Olive Oil 4 Food: dopo la chiusura con l’evento di Tatti (GR)
  40. Possibile incipit di Light My Fire versione cinofila – ciak, prima!
  41. Every Ghetto, Every City
  42. Kloseline
  43. Dice che non ho ascoltato abbastanza musica…
  44. Olive Oil 4 Food: Mauro Tirannosauro porta l’olio bòno speciale alla Stazione delle Biciclette di Milano
  45. Pronti per il quarto episodio di Olive Oil 4 Food a Rho (MI)
  46. Olive Oil 4 Food ep. 4: Parliamo di bRhoschetta (2-12-23 a Rho ore 10.30-12.30)


  1. Mauro Tirannosauro e pibinko parlano di Olive Oil 4 Food a Poveri ma belli (30-11-23)
  2. Olive Oil 4 Food: da domani a domenica a Milano (e stasera a Monterotondo + appuntamento radiofonico 30-11 ore 13
  3. Quiz per entomologi e aracnofili (EPOD n° 2531)
  4. 4-12-23 Olive Oil 4 Food – episodio 5 – Tatti in the Word (Tatti, GR)
  5. Renzo e Luigi guardano la Telivisione (della serie “dopo le olive”)
  6. Olive Oil 4 Food – Com’è andato il primo episodio (Ravi Parti)
  7. 29-11-23 Olive Oil 4 Food – episodio 2 – L’oleoteca degli eretici (Monterotondo
  8. Parlare di olio (e degustarlo) con la Jug Band (Il Tirreno ed. Grosseto 26-11-23)
  9. Olive Oil 4 Food: il programma dettagliato del primo round (dal 26-11 al 4-12)
  10. Jack O’Malley prova il cromocervofono inverso
  11. Aspettando Olive Oil 4 Food al Dü, Milano, con l’olio della Jug Band Colline Metallifere
  12. “The Last Day Of Our Acquaintance” in relazione al concetto di “Spaccare Tutto”
  13. Elettromarket Giulianelli
  14. M(‘)appare la Maremma: 127. Maggerini a Ribolla, GR (1982)
  15. A Quiz for Astronomers and Stargazers (BMMPOD #346)
  16. Tony from Viterbo
  17. Tony di Viterbo
  18. Quiz per astronomi e astrofili (BMPPOD n° 346)
  19. Mauro Tirannosauro ha portato una parte dei campioni di Olive Oil 4 Food a Milano
  20. M(‘)appare la Maremma…fra il Pod. Poderino e Poggio Curzio, sotto Tatti (GR)
  21. Ecco le aziende partecipanti al primo round della campagna Olive Oil 4 Food
  22. Rigenerazione di comunità a Tatti (GR). 15. Anch’io vorrei lo SPID
  23. La locandina del primo round di Olive Oil 4 Food (26-11 / 4-12)
  24. Alba metallifera n° 4532
  25. Sono un produttore di òlio di oliva e voglio partecipare a “Olive Oil 4 Food”
  26. Al via con il nuovo gruppo “Sei terrestre se…”
  27. E’ competenza dell’ingegnere ambientale la manipolazione del territorio?
  28. L’aria di Follonica 2021 e 2022
  29. Tizio/a ha letto il tuo articolo…ma per farci che?
  30. Prisencolinensinainciusol
  31. Midnight Rider
  32. At last, we have an “Arretration” Manager
  33. Finalmente abbiamo un “arretration” manager!
  34. 30-11-23 Olive Oil 4 Food – episodio 3 – M(‘)appare la Maremma, a Milano (Piano Terra).
  35. Passami un tovagliolo…
  36. L’aria di Tatti 2023
  37. Sciopero dei traduttori della rete
  38. I primi scatti dalla Forestano Session dell’1-11-23
  39. Anteprima del reportage della “Forestano Session” dell’1-11-23 a Tatti (GR)
  40. Elio Bendinelli
  41. Feels Like Christmas
  42. Doktor Scheibe (parte) – Jam al frantoio 5 nov 23 a Tatti (GR) JBCM Biodynamic Duo feat. Tiziano Sortino
  43. Azienda Agricola Il Pianale
  44. Dalla rete storie dal 6-11 al 12-11-2023
  45. Morena
  46. Enoteca degli Eretici
  47. 1/11/23: La Jug Band Colline Metallifere ha compiuto cinque anni.


  1. 30-10-23 pibinko parla di olio di oliva 2023 a “Poveri ma belli” (Radio Popolare Milano)
  2. 30-10-23 Jug Band delle Colline Metallifere: Jack è in missione a Radio Popolare (Il Tirreno ed. Grosseto)
  3. Dalla rete storie dal 30-10 al 5-11-2023
  4. Maremma Amara, versione Jug Band Colline Metallifere “duo diabolico” – 15.10.23 Montemerano (GR)
  5. Anteprima: Jack O’Malley a “Poveri ma belli”, 30-10-23
  6. 26-10-23 Jug Band, dialoghi su territorio e musica (Il Tirreno ed. Grosseto)
  7. Grandi novità per il sistema informativo territoriale dell’ASBUC di Tatti (GR)
  8. ASBUC Tatti (GR)
  9. 26-10-23 Jug Band, dialoghi su territorio e musica (Il Tirreno ed. Grosseto)
  10. Elino Rossi
  11. Presentazione rete + Jug Band Colline Metallifere (v. ottobre 2023)
  12. 26-10-23 “Territorio e musica” al CircolArte a Tatti (GR) con la rete
  13. network + Jug Band Colline Metallifere: a presentation as of Oct. 2023
  14. 21-10-23 Livorno: Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi…e la livorno popolare in rivolta!
  15. Pardo Fornaciari
  16. Elino Rossi lancia un’ottava (e Jack O’Malley risponde) – al racconto circolare 15-10-23
  17. Sondaggio: I conti della resa (per l’òblio di oliva 2023)…un’altra missione per l’agente Sean Connerie
  18. 17-10-23: Valorizzare borghi e paesi. Ecco il patto dei Sindaci (Il Tirreno GR LI)
  19. Mapperitivo + Jug Band Colline Metallifere live @ Montemerano (GR) 15-10-23: com’è andata? (resoconto ufficioso)
  20. 15-10-23 Montemerano: Mapperitivo e musica (Il Tirreno ed GR)
  21. 15/10/23 Oggi la Jug Band tra musica e cibo con “Circolare” (La nazione ed. GR-LI+Salus focus oncologia)
  22. 15/10/23 Oggi la Jug Band tra musica e cibo con “Circolare” (La nazione ed. GR-LI+Salus focus oncologia)
  23. Sopralescarpe (MV)
  24. Improvvisazione musica + danza al Bike Garage & More (12-10-23)
  25. Promemoria: mapperitivo + JBCM a Montemerano (GR) 15-10-23
  26. A un GAL, all’inizio dell’autunno…
  27. Suoni Concordi a Campiglia (LI) 27-28-29 ottobre 2024
  28. Oct. 12, 2023: Territorial mapping and civic use goods. The initiative in the rural areas of Tatti has started (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition)
  29. 12-10-23: Mappatura del territorio e beni a uso civico. Partita l’iniziativa delle zone rurali di Tatti (Il Tirreno ed. Grosseto)
  30. I fattori che determinano la variabilità della luce artificiale durante la notte nelle aree urbane, rurali e in zone remote secondo un sosia di Piero Pelù
  31. Ufficio in vendita o affitto a Follonica (GR)
  32. òblio di oliva per l’agente Sean Connerie?
  33. When Participatory Mapping meets Civic Use: It’s happening in Tatti (Southern Tuscany)
  34. Quando la mappatura partecipata incontra gli usi civici: accade a Tatti (GR)
  35. Do it all the time
  36. Tanti auguri Aria (8-10-23)
  37. 15 ottobre 2023: mapperitivo e Jug Band Colline Metallifere al Racconto Circolare di Montemerano (GR)
  38. 8-10-23 Jug Band Colline Metallifere @ Festa della Vendemmia di Ampeleia
  39. Riparte “Music from the Barn” (in streaming)
  40. Un’altra missione per l’agente Sean Connerie: Quante saranno le olive?
  41. Lo spionaggio nella seconda guerra mondiale
  42. Bevi il vino di Scansano (in Prata, Southern Tuscany, Sep. 10, 2023)
  43. Bevi il vino di Scansano (a Prata GR 10-9-23)
  44. Francesca Angotti in Prata, Southern Tuscany, Sep. 10, 2023
  45. Francesca Angotti a Prata (GR) 10-9-2023
  46. Corsi di Movimento creativo (bambini e adulti) e Hip Hop a Tatti (GR)
  47. Nome cognome attività regione (per pibinko)
  48. Effects of the Network
  49. La vendetta del cane bagnato dalla laguna nel cuore della Toscana (trailer #1)


  1. Il mapperitivo fisiologico…quando tutto è tutto…
  2. Il cielo è di tutti? (alias: dai figli delle stelle ai fogli nelle stalle)
  3. Vacanze a Malta (Sep. 14, 2023 – Tangram Beach Bootleg)
  4. Vacanze a Malta (Spiaggia Tangram Bootleg) 14-9-2023
  5. A spasso nel metà-verso. 1: da Tatti (GR) a Montemassi (GR)…quasi
  6. Corso di disegno dal vero a Tatti (GR)
  7. Inversione toponomastica eolica, v 1.0
  8. Seduti in riva al fosso
  9. Mr. Sean Connerie
  10. Il Sig. Sean Connerie
  11. Gli effetti della rete
  12. Have you ever seen Jimi Hendrix?
  13. Chi l’ha visto? (Jimi Hendrix)
  14. Spanish Castle Magic
  15. 23/9/23 Trio Libero a Tatti (GR)
  16. 21-9-23 Dario Canal si laurea con il massimo dei voti. Suona con la Jug Band (La Nazione ed. GR LI)
  17. 19-9-23 Complimenti Dario, il rocker da 100 e lode (
  18. 20-3-23 Il traguardo: Dario Canal è dottore con lode
  19. Sep. 19, 2023 Congrats to Dario, the “cum laude” Rocker
  20. “CIRCOLARE a Scansano” (16-9-23): com’è andata? Il microresoconto ufficioso
  21. Canzone della bambina portoghese
  22. Quando un matto delle giuncaie incontra uno dei Matti delle Giuncaie
  23. From the network: Expatriati Network, serving all expatriates
  24. Dalla rete Expatriati Network, al servizio degli espatriati
  25. I don’t know where I’m headed (Marcus King)
  26. Abbiamo delle domande da porci. 1. Come si arriva a Gavorrano?
  27. Non so dove sono diretto, ma so che ci incontreremo là…
  28. Il Brezel Tour 2023 della Jug Band Colline Metallifere è finito
  29. The Jug Band Colline Metallifere 2023 Brezel Tour is over
  30. 14-9-23 Una serata in spiaggia tra Mapperitivo e Aperigram (Il Tirreno GR LI)
  31. A day in the life – 13-9-23
  32. 13-9-23 “Jug Band” si chiude il Brezel Tour in viale Italia (La Nazione ed. GR LI)
  33. Jug Band Colline Metallifere project presentation as of Sep. 2023
  34. Presentazione della Jug Band Colline Metallifere al settembre 2023
  35. Unione Sportiva Torniella
  36. Al via la preparazione atletica dell’U.S. Torniella Calcio
  37. Barefootin’
  38. A piedi nudi nel parco (Wild Tuscany remake)
  39. Sep. 14, 2023 Jug Band Colline Metallifere @ Spiaggia Tangram, Follonica (Tuscany) – mapperitivo+aperigram
  40. La storia di Pellegro e della capra con l’erba medica
  41. 14-9-2023 Jug Band Colline Metallifere @ Spiaggia Tangram, Follonica (GR) – mapperitivo+aperigram
  42. “Il vino nero” Jug Band Colline Metallifere feat Oliver Gangemi al Mapperitivo di Tatti (GR), 7-9-23
  43. Auro Luti presenta “The Fogs” a Tatti (GR)
  44. 7-9-23 Tatti – Continua il Brezel Tour della Jug Band (Il Tirreno ed. Grosseto)
  45. Il Barrino di Tatti (GR)
  46. WhatsAP
  47. 8-10-23 Ribolla, Tornei di Calcio ASD Virtus Maremma, cat. PRIMI CALCI 2015 – U.9
  48. Piccole integrazioni agli articoli sull’evento di giovedì 7 settembre a Tatti (GR)
  49. 7-9-23 Jug Band Colline Metallifere Trio @ Circolarte, Tatti (GR)
  50. Come si chiamava il calzolaio di Magliano in Toscana (GR)?
  51. A few Shots from the July 28 event @ Ampeleia
  52. 2-3 Settembre 2023: 71° Palio dei Ciuchi di Vetulonia (GR)


  1. 31-8-23 “Amore e Psiche” della Banda di Torniella a Monticiano (SI)
  2. Qualche scatto dalla serata del 28-7-23 da Ampeleia
  3. 28-8-23 Seconda serata del Festival Internazionale della poesia assunta in cielo a Tatti (GR): com’è andata (resoconto ufficioso)
  4. Zen, one of the “tre cani rossi” (three red dogs) visiting La Combriccola in Torniella, Southern Tuscany
  5. Zen, uno dei tre cani rossi, visita la Combriccola di Torniella (GR)
  6. Serenata improvvisata al mapperitivo di Vetulonia (GR)
  7. 26-27 Agosto: Torneo di palla a Vetulonia (GR)
  8. Itinerario culturale “Via delle città Etrusche” – Avviso
  9. Improvvisazione un po’ etica al Bike Garage & More (24-8-23)
  10. 26-8-23 ore 17: Mapperitivo a Vetulonia (GR)
  11. Uva Sangiovese e Canaiolo toscano
  12. 28-8-23 Tatti – Festival Internazionale della poesia assunta in cielo
  13. Tre Cani Rossi now available at Bar Vineria la Combriccola in Torniella, Southern Tuscany
  14. 4-30 Settembre: Summer School de l’Alguer…arti visive, sceneggiatura e scrittura comica
  15. Tre Cani Rossi 2022 disponibile al Bar vineria La Combriccola di Torniella (GR)
  16. “Aspettando Circolare” a Magliano (GR) – com’è andata (resoconto ufficioso secondo la Jug Band)
  17. 21.8.23 ore 18 Presentazione de “La mia Punta Ala” di Renato Boccia a Punta Ala (GR)
  18. 20-8-23: Val di Farma. La Jug Band è presente a Torniella e Piloni (Il Tirreno ed. Grosseto)
  19. Aug. 20, 2023: Double “mapperitivo” in the Farma Valley, Southern Tuscany
  20. 19-8-23 Brezel Tour al Giardino del Torrione. Suonano O’Malley e Scheibe (Il Tirreno)
  21. Aug. 19, 2023 Jug Band Colline Metallifere in (bio)dynamic duo version @ Aspettando Circolare, Magliano in Toscana (Tuscany)
  22. Altri testimonial del Brezel Tour
  23. 20-8-23: Doppio mapperitivo in Val di Farma (Torniella e Piloni)
  24. 17/8/23 Sedici d’Agosto sotto i castagni con la rassegna di musica popolare (Il Tirreno)
  25. 17-8-23 Jug Band Colline Metallifere @ Festival SedicidAgosto – Roccatederighi (GR)
  26. 16.8.23 ore 21.30 “Amore e Psiche” con la Banda di Torniella (GR)
  27. La “mia” Punta Ala di Renato Boccia– presentazione del libro a Punta Ala il 16 e il 21 agosto
  28. Vacanze “a malta”: la canzone dell’estate della Jug Band Colline Metallifere – demo take 1
  29. Prosegue il Brezel Tour: musica e territorio. 15, 17, e 19 agosto + eventi affini
  30. 19-8-23 Jug Band Colline Metallifere versione (bio)dynamic duo @ Aspettando Circolare, Magliano in Toscana (GR)
  31. Aug. 15, 2023 – Jug Band Colline Metallifere @ La Dispensa, Pomarance (Pisa), with the (Bio)dynamic Duo Lineup, feat. Special Guest from Germany
  32. 15-8-23 Jug Band Colline Metallifere @ La Dispensa, Pomarance (PI), in versione (bio)dynamic duo + special guest dalla Germania
  33. Schickimicki – Dizzy Bee
  34. Le borse di Tattistampa
  35. Un pomeriggio di rigenerazione urbana a Torniella (GR) fra giochi antichi e mappe
  36. 11-8-23 Torniella: Giochi antichi per bimbi e mappe di comunità (Il Tirreno)
  37. Jug Band Colline Metallifere in concerto al Bike Garage & More. Il Brezel Tour riparte in trio (Il Tirreno, 10-8-23)
  38. 11-8-2023: Un pomeriggio interdisciplinare a Torniella (GR)…giochi antichi per bimbi, mappe di comunità, e qualche nota
  39. 9-8-23 BuioMetria Partecipativa a Poveri ma Belli – Radio Popolare Milano (con annesso “Supermarket” versione JBCM)
  40. 9-8-23 Torna la Jug Band domani a Calici di Stelle al “Bike & Garage” (La Nazione ed. Grosseto-Livorno)
  41. 10-13 agosto 2023: 44° Torneo Palla a 21 a Torniella
  42. 10, 11, 12 agosto: prosegue il Brezel Tour della Jug Band Colline Metallifere, fra musica e Territorio
  43. Metti una sera a L’incontro di Monticiano (SI)
  44. 11-8-23 ore 19: Mapperitivo a Torniella (GR)
  45. 10-8-23 Jug Band Colline Metallifere Trio @ Bike Garage & More – Calici di Stelle
  46. Tre Cani Rossi ai Calici di Stelle di Terricciola (PI)
  47. 14-9-2023 Jug Band Colline Metallifere @ Spiaggia Tangram, Follonica (GR)
  48. 4-8-23 ore 21.30 incontro su “Epilogo della Comunità di Torniella”


  1. Scalvaia vince in casa nel 44° torneo di Palla a 21
  2. Azio Ferrari – Roccatederighi (GR) – offerte estate 2023
  3. Centrocolor
  4. La stagione 2023 di Palla Eh! (o Palla a 21) si apre nella cornice di Tirli (GR).
  5. 28-29-30 luglio 2023 – 44° Torneo di palla a 21 e 21a sagra della Panzanella a Scalvaia (SI)
  6. 28-7-23 Live @ Ampeleia, Roccatederighi (GR)
  7. 28-7-23 “Giallo in piazza” a Torniella (GR)
  8. 28-7-23 Aperitivo-cena a buffet + prova aperta all’agricampeggio Ixtlan a Tatti (GR)
  9. Il Lellero dell’Az. Agricola Bartoli (Scarlino, GR)
  10. A little bit of Tatti also in Stuttgart. A bridge between Germany and Maremma (Il Tirreno, Jul. 22, 2023)
  11. Palla eh! La tradizione riparte da Tirli (Il Tirreno 22-7-23)
  12. Franco Grottanelli, Chimico e scrittore – presentazione a Torniella (Il Tirreno, 22-7-23)
  13. Un po’ di Tatti anche a Stoccarda. Ponte tra Germania e Maremma (Il Tirreno 22-7-23)
  14. 22-7-23 ore 18.30 Conferenza “Il Conte del Castello del Belagaio: Franco Grottanelli, Chimico e Scrittore” – a Torniella (GR)
  15. Jul. 15, 2023 – Eretico Festival @ Monterotondo Marittimo, Tuscany
  16. 15/7/23 Eretico Festival a Monterotondo (GR)
  17. Doktor Scheibe
  18. July 12, 2023 Toscanaflair im Waldheim Backnang (Backnanger Zeitung)
  19. 12-7-23 Toscanaflair im Waldheim Backnang (Backnanger Zeitung)
  20. July 12, 2023 Toscanaflair im Waldheim Backnang (Backnanger Zeitung)
  21. 13-7-23 Toscanaflair im Waldheim Backnang (Backnanger Zeitung)
  22. The Brezel Tour in Germany: wrapping it up
  23. July 15, 2023 Jug Band Colline Metallifere @ Eretico Festival, Monterotondo
  24. Il Brezel Tour in Germania: il riassunto
  25. 15-7-23 Jug Band Colline Metallifere all’Eretico Festival, Monterotondo (GR)
  26. Brezel Tour: Day 6 Highlights + Maremma Amara
  27. Brezel Tour: Fasi salienti del giorno 6 + Maremma Amara
  28. Brezel Tour: Day 5 Highlights
  29. Brezel Tour: Fasi salienti del giorno 5
  30. 10-7-23 Live @ Format D, Monaco di Baviera
  31. Brezel Tour: Day 4 Highlights + invitation to Stuttgart today 3PM
  32. Brezel Tour: Fasi salienti del giorno 4 + appuntamento a Stoccarda ore 15
  33. 9-7-23 Live @ Tatti Stay and See, Stoccarda
  34. Jul. 9, 2023, 3PM: Jug Band Colline Metallifere @ TATTI STAY & SEE, Stuttgart, Germany
  35. 9 luglio 2023 ore 15 – Jug Band Colline Metallifere al TATTI STAY & SEE, Stoccarda
  36. Brezel Tour / Day 3 Highlights
  37. Brezel Tour / Fasi salienti del giorno 3
  38. Doktor Scheibe
  39. Doktor Scheibe
  40. 8-7-23 Street Music a Ludwigsburg
  41. 8-7-23 Live @ Huober Brezel, Erdmannhausen
  42. I’m Walking (feat. Sorgman X). July 7, 2023, Hoheneck
  43. I’m walking (con i Sorgman X) 6-7-2023 a Hoheneck
  44. Brezel Tour 2023 – qualche scatto
  45. Brezel Tour / Day 2 Highlights (and reminder for 7PM in the Woods in Backnang)
  46. Brezel Tour / Fasi salienti del giorno 2 (e appuntamento ore 19 nel bosco a Backnang)
  47. 7-7-23 Live @ Waldheim Backnang bei Vesna
  48. 6-7-23 Jug Band Colline Metallifere + Sorgman X al Krone, Hoheneck (Ludwigsburg)
  49. Jul. 7, 2023 Jugband dalle Colline Metallifere aus Italien in Waldheim (Mein Wochenblatt)
  50. 6-7-23 Jugband dalle Colline Metallifere aus Italien in Waldheim (Mein Wochenblatt)
  51. Jul. 7, 2023, Jugband dalle Colline Metallifere aus Italien in Waldheim (Mein Wochenblatt)
  52. 6-7-23 Jugband dalle Colline Metallifere aus Italien in Waldheim (Mein Wochenblatt)
  53. Shackleton (Banjo+Washboard version), Lavis, Italy, July 5, 2023
  54. Shackleton (versione banjo+washboard). Lavis (TN) 5-7-23
  55. Brezel Tour: Day 1 Highlights + reminder for Ludwigsburg 8PM
  56. Brezel Tour: Highlights from Day 1 + reminder for Ludwigsburg 8PM
  57. Brezel Tour / Fasi salienti del giorno 1 (e appuntamento ore 20 a Ludwigsburg)
  58. Jug Band Colline Metallifere: Ready for Take-off to Germany
  59. Jug Band Colline Metallifere: Pronti per la partenza in Germania
  60. 5-7-23 Street Music a Lavis (TN)
  61. Calendario tornei palla eh!/palla a 21 per il 2023
  62. Tre Cani Rossi 2022 (Three Red Dogs), Tuscan Wine
  63. Tre Cani Rossi 2022 (vino toscano)
  64. July 6, 2023 Jug Band Colline Metallifere + Sorgman X @ Krone, Hoheneck (Ludwigsburg)
  65. La “brezelificazione” di Dario
  66. La “occhializzazione” di Simone per il Brezel Tour
  67. It’s a long way to the top (if you wanna rock’n’roll) – JBCM cover ft. Nick MacVicar
  68. It’s a long way to the top (if you wanna rock’n’roll) – JBCM cover feat. Nick MacVicar


  1. Jun. 30, 2023 Torna la “Jub” Band (La Nazione)
  2. 30-6-23 Torna la “Jub” Band (La Nazione)
  3. Jun. 30, 2023 – Torna la “Jub” Band (La Nazione)
  4. 30-6-23 Torna la “Jub” Band (La Nazione)
  5. Jun 30, 2023: Jug Band Colline Metallifere con la tappa del Brezel Tour (Il Tirreno)
  6. 30-6-23 Jug Band Colline Metallifere con la tappa del Brezel Tour (Il Tirreno)
  7. Jun. 30, 2023 – Jug Band Colline Metallifere con la tappa del Brezel Tour (Il Tirreno)
  8. 30-6-23 Jug Band Colline Metallifere con la tappa del Brezel Tour (Il Tirreno)
  9. Evento al Grilli rimandato
  10. Mauro Tirannosauro promuove il Brezel Tour 2023 a Massa (GR)
  11. Get it on
  12. Mauro Tirannosauro “brezelifica” una chitarra per il Brezel Tour 2023
  13. JBCM versione trio “A”
  14. 30-6-23 Jug Band Colline Metallifere (trio) @ La Curva – Grilli (GR)
  15. Lo stampatore (parte) – Lago dell’Accesa 24-6-23
  16. Jun. 24, 2023. The “Jug Band” Performs once more at Lago dell’Accesa (La Nazione)
  17. 24-6-23 La “Jug Band” torna stasera ad esibirsi al Lago dell’Accesa (La Nazione)
  18. June 24, 2023 Let the Jug Band Astonish you. The Band’s Notes at AncorAccesa (Il Tirreno)
  19. 24-6-23 Lasciatevi stupire dalla Jug Band – Le note del gruppo ad AncorAccesa (Il Tirreno)
  20. Jun. 24, 2023. The “Jug Band” Performs once more at Lago dell’Accesa (La Nazione)
  21. 24-6-23 La “Jug Band” torna stasera ad esibirsi al Lago dell’Accesa (La Nazione)
  22. June 24, 2023 Let the Jug Band Astonish you. The Band’s Notes at AncorAccesa (Il Tirreno)
  23. Promemoria 24-6 al Lago dell’Accesa, GR (Brezelbag n° 18 del 23-6-23: Muswell Hillbilly)
  24. Brezelbag n° 17 del 22/6/23: Tour 2023: Il PDF del manifesto + Man of Constant Sorrow
  25. The 2023 Brezel Tour poster
  26. Brezel Tour 2023: Il manifesto
  27. Brezelbag n° 16 del 20-6-23: Steel Beans
  28. Brezelbag n° 15 del 19-6-23: Suffragette City
  29. The 2023 Brezel Tour Lyrics
  30. 24/6/23 Jug Band Colline Metallifere Duo @ Lago dell’Accesa
  31. Brezelbag n° 14 del 18-6-23. I testi del Brezel Tour 2023
  32. Brezelbag n° 12 del 17-6-23: Gone, Gone, Gone
  33. Brezelbag n° 12 del 15-6-23: Out of Time Man
  34. 16-6-23 Il Biodynamic duo accompagna Giuseppe Imbrogno in “Quello che abbiamo vissuto”
  35. The Jug Band Colline Metallifere Sudoku
  36. Il sudoku della Jug Band Colline Metallifere
  37. Brezelbag n°10 del 14-6-23: Barbara
  38. Brezelbag n°9 del 13-6-23: Roadrunner
  39. 17-8-23: Jug Band Colline Metallifere al 6° Festival del SedicidAgosto (Roccatederighi, GR)
  40. Brezelbag n°8 del 12-6-23: I’ll find a way
  41. Brezelbag n° 7 dell’11-6-23: Vento nel vento
  42. Dietro le quinte di “Fuffi”
  43. Brezelbag n° 6 del 10-6-23: Corinna
  44. Che cosa apparirà?
  45. 16-6-23 Presentazione di “Quello che abbiamo vissuto” (feat. JBCM in “Duo biodinamico”)
  46. Brezelbag n° 5 del 9-6-23: Manteca
  47. Brezelbag n° 4 dell’8-6-23: River Deep, Mountain High
  48. Brezelbag n° 3 del 7-6-23: La mia signorina
  49. Brezelbag n° 2 del 5-6-23: Fly as Me
  50. Brezelbag n° 1 del 5-6-23
  51. Order a 2023 Brezel Tour T-shirt by the Jug Band Colline Metallifere
  52. After the printing, comes the ironing (2023 JBCM Brezel Tour)
  53. Ordina una maglietta del Brezel Tour 2023 della Jug Band Colline Metallifere
  54. Dopo la stampa, la stiratura… (JBCM Brezel Tour 2023)


  1. Il Brezel Tour 2023 della Jug Band Colline Metallifere. Aggiornamenti al 29-5-23
  2. The 2023 Brezel Tour T-shirts are coming…
  3. In arrivo i “maglietti” per il Brezel Tour 2023
  4. 2023 Brezel Tour
  5. Brezel Tour 2023
  6. The Jug Band Colline Metallifere returns to Germany! (First announcement)
  7. La Jug Band Colline Metallifere torna in Germania! (primo annuncio)


  1. Doktor Scheibe
  2. Lavorare con lentezza (JBCM + Banda Animata), 23-4-23
  3. Apr. 23, 2023: Liberiamoci, Roccatederighi (Southern Tuscany)
  4. 23-4-23 Liberiamoci a Roccatederighi (GR)
  5. Droghe di Polizia (1951)
  6. 24-4-23 Jam Session n° 10 al Bike Garage & More, Massa Marittima (GR)
  7. Riscaldamento locale (Shackleton) – estratto – Bologna, 1-4-23
  8. Sat. Apr. 1, 2023: Jug Band Colline Metallifere in Bologna
  9. Sabato 1-4-23 ore 16-17: Jug Band Colline Metallifere a Bologna


  1. The 2023 Hand-made Printing Day in Tatti (Tuscany) with TATTISTAMPA. How did it go?
  2. Giornata della stampa artigianale 2023 a Tatti (GR) con TATTISTAMPA, com’è andata?
  3. 16-3-23 Jam Session n° 9 al Bike Garage & More, Massa Marittima (GR)
  4. 7-3-23 Gli rubarono l’Ape, gli regalano la miniatura (
  5. Spivey Blues and more Blues!
  6. Votate per gli Amish from Jack White al Premio Buscaglione (entro il 26-3)
  7. Backtrackin’


  1. The Yes
  2. Born in the USA
  3. Pat Metheny Group: American Garage
  4. Agridoc Film Festival a Grosseto (21-22 febbraio 2023)
  5. Joe Jackson’s Jumpin’ Jive
  6. Storni a Orrento redux
  7. Il Circolo ARCI di Torniella cerca un nuovo gestore
  8. March 12, 2023: Workshop on “What Future for the Olive?”
  9. 12-3-23 Quale futuro per l’olivo? (incontro-convegno)
  10. JJ Cale Special Edition
  11. Guitar Wizards 1926-1935
  12. 19-2-23 Tatti in Fiaba
  13. The Paul Butterfield Blues Band
  14. San Andreas Quickstep – Bill Knopf
  15. Time Out – The Dave Brubeck Quartet
  16. Folk Festival of the Blues


  1. TATTISTAMPA will be Part of the 2023 Hand-Made Printing Day
  2. Tuck and Patti: Love Warriors
  3. TATTISTAMPA aderisce alla Giornata della stampa artigianale 2023 (19 marzo)
  4. Super Complessi: Pooh, Profeti, Camaleonti
  5. area ’70
  6. Let’s Go West and Soul
  7. Joe Cocker (antologia)
  8. Paypal
  9. Francesco Guccini e i Nomadi: Album Concerto
  10. The James Taylor Quartet: Wait a Minute
  11. The best of Shocking Blue
  12. Wolf torna al vinile
  13. Recommended Videos
  14. Musica che ci piace: Wolf Totem

When Participatory Mapping meets Civic Use: It’s happening in Tatti (Southern Tuscany)


Il 3 settembre scorso si è avuto a Tatti, frazione di Massa Marittima (GR) il rinnovo del Comitato per l’Amministrazione Separata dei beni ad uso civico di questa località. Per i prossimi cinque anni questa risorsa sarà amministrata da Marco Fiacchi, Sergio Cappelletti, Auro Luti, Guido Maria Bendinelli e Adriano Fronzaroli.

L’evento potrebbe essere facilmente rubricato nell’ampia collezione di microsituazioni di microcronaca locale in una delle province con la minor densità di popolazione d’Italia (ma grandi tramonti sul mare). In effetti, l’avvio di questo nuovo ciclo di gestione assume una valenza diversa per il fatto che, mentre l’ASBUC di Tatti si prepara un’altra volta a gestire la propria attività principale, ovvero il taglio della legna per approvvigionamento dei residenti, ha espresso l’interesse a valorizzare altri aspetti del proprio territorio. A partire dai confini.

L’ASBUC ha quindi contattato Andrea Giacomelli, con trent’anni di esperienza in progetti di mappatura e sistemi informativi territoriali, dal 2007 attivo in progetti di tutela e valorizzazione di risorse minori o poco note e processi partecipati, e con 50% di origini tatterine…e si sono messi al lavoro. Martedì 3 ottobre si è svolto un primo sopralluogo, capitanato da Auro Luti, principale memoria storia del territorio degli Usi Civici (nonché bassista con i Fogs alla fine degli anni ’60), e con Sergio Cappelletti come secondo. Per ora sono stati segnati alcuni punti significativi lungo il perimetro, di circa 10 km. Passate le olive (fase che quest’anno potrebbe essere purtroppo molto rapida per quanto riguarda i campi di famiglia legati ai componenti del progetto), si procederà con il secondo round di rimappatura.

Nel frattempo vi invitiamo a rivedere gli articoli del 2019, quando si avviò la prima mappa di comunità di Tatti (2 marzo e 14 aprile), e a guardare cosa succederà il 15-10 a Montemerano (GR) in tema di rimappatura partecipata (e sempre con Andrea Giacomelli e altri colleghi a lavoro assieme ai residenti di là).

Nelle foto sotto, alcuni momenti del sopralluogo di martedì scorso. Per altre informazioni: oppure whatsapp 3317539228
