
This is a partial list of talks given in “institutional” settings. To these you should add the events I directly organized since 2008, and the invited talks in more “creative” settings on palla a 21, buiometria partecipativa and similar topics. You may find a reference to these in the blog and in the News section of

Some of the presentations are available on Slideshare

  1. A. Giacomelli, Have Mapping Device, will travel, at Connected Automobiles 2015, Monza, Italy, October 2015
  2. A. Giacomelli, Presentation of progress in the development of the data specification for Production and Industrial Facilitiesh (Annex III of the INSPIRE Directive), INSPIRE Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2012.
  3. A. Giacomelli, App e Open data per la biodiversità. L’esperienza di citizen science del progetto Envirofi, Spazio Words, World, Web, Terra Futura, Firenze, 2012
  4. A. Giacomelli, Accounting for people in Earth Observation, in Borzacchiello M. T. and M. Craglia (Eds.) 2011. Socio-Economic Benefits from the Use of Earth Observation, Report from the International Workshop held at Joint Research Centre, Ispra, 11-13 July 2011
  5. Andrea Giacomelli, Francesco Giubbilini, Simona Lombardelli, Stefano Costa, Luca Delucchi, Participatory approaches to light pollution mitigation: a case history from Italy, Proceedings of the ENVIROINFO 2011 Conference, Ispra, Italy,
  6. A. Giacomelli, Presentation of progress in the development of the data specification for Production and Industrial Facilities (Annex III of the INSPIRE Directive), INSPIRE Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 2011.
  7. A. Giacomelli, Giubbilini F, So you thought you had nothing to do with light pollution, lunch talk at the European Commission Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy, June 2011
  8. A. Giacomelli, Giubbilini F., Technologies and participatory methods for land protection: some made in Italy experiences, lecture at the Faculty of Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, May 2011
  9. A. Giacomelli, Workshop on INSPIRE mash-up workshop: building new applications on top of INSPIRE services, INSPIRE Conference, Krakow, June 2010
  10. A. Giacomelli, S. Costa, L. Delucchi, F. Malvicini, Volunteered Geographic Information Experiences in Italy: an overview of 2008 and 2009, presentation at the 11th GRASS Italian user meeting (Lugano),
  11. A Giacomelli, F. Giubbilini, Inquinamento luminoso e qualità del cielo notturno, presentazione nell’ambito della sesta giornata M’illumino di meno, Massa Marittima, Febbraio 2010
  12. Giacomelli, A, Informazione geografica aperta e libera: a che punto siamo? (Free and open geographic information: where are we at ?) – Invited presentation, ITN Expo- Infrastructure, Telematics & Navigation, Torino, October 2009
  13. Giacomelli, A. – Insomma: è buio ? Incontro sullo stato di avanzamento del progetto di BuioMetria Partecipativa, Roccastrada (GR), October 2009
  14. Giacomelli A – Perché siamo qui – Incontro di chiusura del progetto M(‘)appare Milano – DIAP Politecnico di Milano, July 2008
  15. Giacomelli, A.: Liberiamo le mappe: e poi che cosa ci facciamo ? – Seminario presso IUAV Venezia, September 2008
  16. Giacomelli, A. Quattro anni di attività pro loco, ma a che pro, e per quale loco ? – Intervento nell’ambito del convegno Cultura, ambiente, informatica libera: quali opportunità per il territorio dall’integrazione di tematiche differenti?, Ribolla (GR), June 2008
  17. Giacomelli, A., P. Cavallini, So you thought you had nothing to do with INSPIRE, oral presentation at the 13th EC-GIS Workshop, Porto, Portugal, 4-6 July 2007
  18. Giacomelli, A. GRASS: una prospettiva storica e ipotesi di lavoro per il suo sviluppo, VIII Conferenza degli utenti GRASS e GFOSS, Palermo, Feb 2007
  19. Giacomelli, A. Relationships between European and non-European Spatial Data Infrastructures in Europe: a perspective from the private environmental sector, Poster presentation, 11th EC-GIS Workshop, Alghero, Italy, 2005
  20. Giacomelli, A., Geographic Information Systems as a support to public administration history studies, Lecture at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Sassari, Sardinia, June 2004.
  21. Calderara, E., Farina, F, Giacomelli A., Alcune esperienze di integrazione tra standard e infrastrutture dati differenti (Some experiences in the integration of different standards and data infrastructures), Geoexplora Workshop, Roma, 2004
  22. Giacomelli A., The GeoBase programme as a Spatial Data Infrastructure: a perspective view by CH2M HILL, Poster at the 9th EC-GIS Workshop, La Coruna, Spagna, 2003
  23. Giacomelli A., Un approccio GIS alla valutazione dell’esercizio di servizi online (A GIS-based approach to the evaluation of online services), Atti della 4a Conferenza Mondo GIS, Roma, 2002
  24. P. Andreussi, P. Bisgambiglia, A. Giacomelli, E. Lorrai, L. Muscas, Forecasting and control of environmental hazards in the coastal areas of the upper Thyrrenian Sea, Conferenza preparatoria per il programma INTERREG III “The future of the green Mediterranean”, Giugno 2001
  25. E. Lorrai, M.R. Lai, G. Lecca, A. Cadeddu, N. Crobu, A. Giacomelli, Saltwater intrusion in the Muravera Plain, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Saltwater Intrusion and Coastal Aquifers, Essaouira, Morocco, 2001
  26. E. Lorrai, A. Giacomelli, I. Meloni, Studio di un S.I. per la gestione delle emergenze in seguito a eventi calamitosi in Sardegna, Atti della terza Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, Vol. II, 861-866, Napoli, 1999.
  27. Giacomelli A., Panoramica delle applicazioni GIS al CRS4, GISItinera ’98 Conference, Cagliari, October 1998.
  28. M. Mancini, A. Giacomelli, R. Rosso, C. Paniconi, Soil moisture retrieval from multi-frequency radar data at field and catchment scales (abstract), Annales Geophysicae (Trans. European Geophysical Society XXII General Assembly), 1997
  29. A. Giacomelli, M. Mancini, S. Orlandini, P.A. Troch G. Nesti, Assessing soil moisture from point to catchment scale using multi-frequency radar data (abstract), Proceedings of the “Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium”, p. 204. Innsbruck (Austria), July 1996.
  30. Giacomelli, S. Loddo, E. Lorrai, The SITAI project for the industrial areas of Sardinia: from a GIS database to a web-based site selection tool, Proceedings of the 6th EC-GIS Workshop, Lyon, Jun 2000
  31. A. Giacomelli, GIS as an integration tool for interdisciplinary problems, FAIR5-CT97-3673, SAGA Concerted Action -2nd Workshop, Venice, 23-23 April 1999
  32. A. Giacomelli, GIS Framework for the Coastal Aquifer Studies, Preliminary Study of Soil and Aquifer Degradation from Seawater Intrusion in the Coastal Areas of Tunisia, Morocco and Sardinia, Second Workshop, Tunis, 8-13 November 1999