Tag Archives: music

A new series of blog posts: boscoriserva

After the 2012 experience with the  branobag series, here we go with “boscoriserva“.

This will be a series of daily posts on my personal blog, where each working day (typically MON-FRI) you will get an article containing a song video, and some comments about this.

The  116 episodes of the branobag series were written with a wild rover approach: music from different eras, genres and continents.

boscoriserva has a much more defined scope: providing my view on the songs from the Woodstock Festival. This is not related to a specific anniversay, but might be tied to an event which may take place in Spring.

The boscoriserva posts are available from http://www.pibinko.org/boscoriserva

The articles are published in Italian, but you may inquire in English-French-Portuguese if you are curious of learning more about any of the articles.