Since 1994 I have been professionally engaged in a variety of mapping and geographic information management projects, spanning from tourism to environmental remediation, citizen science, biodiversity, utility surveys and more. In time I have also been increasingly working on outreach related to mapping (and free/open-source mapping).
- The Farma Valley Community Map
- The Tatti Community Map
- The BuioMetria Partecipativa Map
Below is a list of blog posts documenting my map-related activities. Need a map? Write to
- Apr. 13, 2019. The presentation of the Tatti, Tuscany, Community Map
- Coordination of large GPS survey
- Politecnico di Milano, May 30, 2017: Interdisciplinary Land Protection and Planning (the flyer)
- HYREC project
- Politecnico di Milano, May 30, 2017: Land protection and planning: interdisciplinary experiences from ten years of projects from a lesser known area of Southern Tuscany.
- ENVIROFI Workshop in Florence
- ENVIROFI presentation at the biodiversity festival (Milano)
- Save the date: Apr 7, 2017 webinar on “How Free/Open Source Geomatics can integrate in Rural Communities to improve Resilience and Quality of Life”
- First INSPIRE Mashup
- Interview about the INSPIRE Conference for L’Altra Europa, Radio 24 (July 2, 2011)
- The first “hard copy” steps for the Farma Valley (Tuscany) community map
- At the Connected Automobiles 2015 Hackathon
- Geographic Information Systems for the Environment: Data, Tools, and Skills
- Lecture: Geographic Information Systems as a support to the environment: data, tools and skills
- GRASS (Geographic Resource Analysis Support System)
- (Non-digital) Terrain Models (circa 1982)
- The poster presented at the FOSS4G-IT conference (Feb. 9-10, 2017)
- …So you thought you had nothing to do with INSPIRE…
- Organization of the 2013 Open Data Day in the Farma Valley
- Geographic Information Systems and Databases
- Mapping the affiliation of INSPIRE Annex 2 and 3 Data Specification experts
- Research
- Participatory Lithology: the Map
- Music: Pressioni di Settembre
- Riflessioni sul tema(tismo) – on free/open-source GIS
- So, let me show you what I did
- GIS-based utility surveys
- Presentation “You are involved in pure GIS”
- INSPIRE Data specifications facilitator
- Launch of the m(‘)appare Milano project (March 13, 2008)
- May 31, 2018: The Farma Valley Community Map cited in a World Bank Report
- Facilitation of meeting between, Assoli and others
- The recording of the webinar of open-source geomatics, environment and music from Southern Tuscany
- Determining the relative orientation of two segments on the same plane – version 1
- Visit Leghorn (map)
- International Open Data Day in Tatti, Tuscany: how did it go?
- Update of the Farma Valley Community Map in Scalvaia (Jul 28, 2017): how did it go
- Coastal aquifers
- Save the date: Jun. 26, 2020: will be with DICATAM Brescia at the London Festival of Architecture
- Open Data Day with pibinko in Tatti (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition, March 2, 2019)
- Lecture: Geographic Information Systems as a support to public administration history studies
- m(‘)appare
- Talk at the workshop “Bringing standards-making bodies together”
- The Farma Valley (Southern Tuscany) Community Map
- Meeting of the ENVIROFI Consortium
- EARSeL Specialist Meeting on Hydrology and Water Resources, Dundee, Scotland, 1993
- The ASITA 2015 final program in a nutshell, according to pibinko
- Lecture at IUAV Venezia on Open Mapping
- Aggregation Point
- IRIS Ambiente
- Geomusic at GIT 2017 (Gavorrano, Southern Tuscany, June 12-13, 2017)
- BuioMetria Partecipativa at ASITA – Florence
- “Why are we here”: final presentation of the m(‘)appare Milano project
- Mapping Party in Arezzo, Tuscany
- GRASS: A Historical Perspective and Some Working Assumptions for its Development
- Five walks around Tatti, Southern Tuscany
- Tuscany and Lombardy: comparing the names of lodging facilities
- ENVIROFI Citizen Science Coordinator
- Presentation + demonstration of the ENVIROFI project
- So I thought I had something to do with INSPIRE…
- Stormwater management planning support tool
- Contributions to the shapelib library
- Industrial wastewater utilities GIS
- The BuioMetria Partecipativa data are available in KML format
- GIS-based dismissed mining site characterization
- M(‘)appare Milano: the April, 6, 2008, outing
- Song: April, code he will
- End of the m(‘)appare Milano project
- February’s impressions: the Italian Open Geodata Day (Rome)
- Mar. 7, 2017: Mario Straccali on the Farma Valley Community Map
- ENVIROFI Workshop in Torniella (Grosseto)
- Translation of the OpenStreetMap plugin for WordPress
- “GeoMay” Day in Torniella-Piloni, Tuscany
- When Participatory Mapping meets Civic Use: It’s happening in Tatti (Southern Tuscany)
- Discharge permit for large industrial installation
- Socio-economic atlas of Sardinia
- BuioMetria Partecipativa: the Map
- Milan? We can map it for you (Corriere della sera, Apr. 26, 2008)
- Different ways of calling a creek in Tuscany
- Almost ready for the Connected Automobiles Hackathon at the Monza F1 circuit (Oct. 29-30)
- Free (as in Freedom) Geographic Information: where are we at?
- It’s in Florence: returning soon (the Farma Valley Community Map)
- Meeting with the ENVIROFI Consortium
- Talk at the Istanbul INSPIRE Conference (2012)
- Gino the drone
- Lecture at University of Parma – specialization course in contaminated site remediation
- Land use in the Virginiolo Basin (Montespertoli, Italy)
- Interview for L’Altro Lato (RAI Radio 2) on the Arezzo mapping party
- ENVIROFI presentation at Terra Futura (Florence)
- Save the date: Milano, March 11: Community maps of Earth, Sea, and Sky in Fa’ la Cosa Giusta
- Come to Tatti (Southern Tuscany) for the metalliferous version of the 2019 International Open Data Day
- Creative Commons and Geographic Information: a Relationship under Development
- In between the Cathedral and the Bazaar: Points of View on free/open geographic information from 2007 to 2013
- Riflessioni sul tema(tismo) – on free/open source geographic information
- Analysis of GRASS mailing list archives
- 2001 – MondoGIS – The Sardinian Industrial Parks Geographic Information System
- Web
- Il Tirreno (Grosseto edition), Dec. 5, 2016: Here is the map by hunters and mushroom seekers
- Presentation of the “Citizens in Tuscany” experience in the INSPIRE Conference
- Community Place Names
- Kick-off of the M(‘)appare Milano Project
- No longer alone
- participating to the INVOLEN competition
- GIS for contaminated site assessment
- Accounting for people in Earth Observation
- SITAI – Information System for Industrial Parks in Sardinia
- The CLIWOC database
- CORDIS (European reasearch) database mining
- Mapping Party in Pavia, Italy
- Map of Germany (Esso, 1960)
- Mauro Tirannosauro’s Maps, ep. 4: #iounnescoacaso
- Apr. 13, 2019 pibinko stops in Tatti to create the map (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition)
- #IoRestoaCosa
- Digital Social Innovation
- Regional Waste Bin Survey
- Are you a developer? Come to the Connected Automobiles 2015 Hackathon in Monza, October 29-30
- Thu. Apr 11, 2019: Valdicecina trekking in Larderello (Pisa). A conference and a guided tour
- Unicoop Tirreno Trekking with ENVIROFI
- Linux Day in Grosseto with m(‘)appare and Buiometria
- m(‘)appare
- June 21, 2011: A European Perspective on Digital Earth
- Support to Legislation and Policy Making
- GIS for a 150-hectare remediation wetland
- Industrial park information system (SITAI)
- The revision of the trekking network in Castelnuovo Val di Cecina, Tuscany
- A new edition for the Farma Valley Community Map
- (Italian OSGEO Chapter) Summer 2008 Campaign