2018 Activity Summary of the pibinko.org Network: Services on Culture, Environment, and Open Innovation

A two-page summary presenting the 2018 pibinko.org network activities is available (download PDF).

The same document provides a brief presentation of the network, and of how this developed starting from 2006, in the combination of urban sprawls, rural areas, ancient games, post-modern technologies, tattoos, covers of 1911 blues songs, sandwiches with marinate anchovies, beatboxing, boxing, and…

…know-how and expertise which apparently has a certain level of inspiration, as demonstrated by various testimonials and the media coverage concerning our stories.

It will help to complement the report with

  • the presentation of the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band project, for its “geomusical” aspects.
  • A review of the characters you will find under the pibinko.org “Collaborations” section
  • the pibinko.org homepage: each time you load this you get ten random posts from our blog (with over 1000 posts), if you would like to follow on of our stories, but don’t know where to start from

For more information, or inquiries: info@pibinko.org or +39 331 7539 228