While the preparation of the milestone event for our little participatory lithology exercise [1] is under way….
..music is flowing, both in the form of our Lithobags, and thanks to Pietro “Raman” Crivelli from Piloni (Southern Tuscany). Peter is sending us before sunset either a song or a painting (e does both), asking to republish them and spread around to wish the universe a good night (see this link). Then:

Monday 20:
- We started to publish the names of some of the analyzed samples (see article).
- 13th anniversary of the first briscolata fundraiser for the palla a 21 to Chicago mission, in Scalvaia. We found an external hard drive with forgotten images of that day. This is historical heritage for those who were there, and will be curious for those who were not (see article, in Italian, but with a lot of pics, plus clicking any link from there you can still find the English version of the linked article by switching back to English from the right side of the page)
Tuesday 21:

- The Jug Band Colline Metallifere published its first track on Bandcamp.com (see article).
- The Jug Band Colline Metallifere was invited to do something at a May 1st celebration event. More details will follow.
- 13th anniversary fo the first fundraiser for the palla a 21 to Chicago mission. In Scalvaia. i finanziamento della missione della palla a 21 a Chicago. A Scalvaia. More photos found on another external HDD (just kidding…it was the same one). Yet more memories emerge, for those who were there, and yet more incredibly strange characters appear, for those who were not there: see article, with the same note as above for non-Italian-reading folks.
Thursday 23: In the vault of New York’s Natural History Museum a portrait of teenage Mauro Tirannosauro was found. The shot is just after he had is first scooter. You can tell from the light in his eyes…this was around 70 million years ago: see the article. The portrait is also on sale by Tattistampa (same link)…Ben Stiller ordered ten copies.
Friday 24: The Participatory Lithology interactive map is online, thanks to Francesco Marucci: http://www.pibinko.org/participatory-lithology-the-map/
To receive directly the weekly-or-so newsletter on Participatory Lithology, plus other initiatives by the pibinko.org network + Jug Band Colline Metallifere, please write to info@pibinko.org asking to be added to the mailing list.