3rd Farma Valley Winter Fest, 14-16 Dec. 2018 – Southern Tuscany

[Last update: Nov 27, 2018] This is the official page for the Third Farma Valley Winter Fest December 14-15-16 2018 …three days of pici, love, and music in Southern Tuscany Details on the event are being gradually disclosed. For more information or inquiries: info@pibinko.org. To check out what happened in the two past editions, see … Continue reading 3rd Farma Valley Winter Fest, 14-16 Dec. 2018 – Southern Tuscany

Closing the pibinko.org + Attivarti.org Winter tour (from the Farma Valley in eight regions) at Fa’ la Cosa Giusta

Saturday March 11 the presentation given a Fa’ la Cosa Giusta (the largest Italian fair on sustainable lifestyles) about participatory mapping closed the Winter tour by pibinko.org & Attivarti.org: fifteen events between mid-December and mid-March, with presentation in four Italian regions, and scouting missions in four more (including Côte d’Azur, Corsica, and Sardinia). The tour … Continue reading Closing the pibinko.org + Attivarti.org Winter tour (from the Farma Valley in eight regions) at Fa’ la Cosa Giusta

BuioMetria Partecipativa (participatory night sky monitoring)

(Since February 2008) In 2008 I created and launched the  BuioMetria Partecipativa (BMP) project. The project is a combination of awareness raising, participatory light pollution monitoring, and promotion of dark-sky areas. It is primarily focused on Italy in terms of monitoring area, but operates on an international scale in terms of vision and relations. The … Continue reading BuioMetria Partecipativa (participatory night sky monitoring)

BuioMetria Partecipativa once more touring Sardinia (starting from Tuscany), after four years

La BuioMetria Partecipativa è un progetto nato nel febbraio 2008, inizialmente per svolgere attività parallele di tutela e valorizzazione del cielo notturno su scala nazionale, e gradualmente maturato sia dal punto di vista delle reti coinvolte (non solo appassionati del cielo, ma cittadini di tanti tipi), che della scala territoriale (progetti europei). Essendo uno dei … Continue reading BuioMetria Partecipativa once more touring Sardinia (starting from Tuscany), after four years

End of the September 2015 tour

The September tour, opened with the preview in Ribolla, Southern Tuscany, and contined with the dates in Milano (Parco Nord Biodiversity Festival) and Athens (Balkan Light Conference), was closed in Florence with a presentation I had on September 25 at a conference on “Innovation in environmental education:ICT and intergenerational learning“. This was organized by the … Continue reading End of the September 2015 tour

Press release by Attivarti.org on the “Dark Skies” operation and on comments it is receiving

The Italian government issue a law proposal following its spending review. This proposal included a section called “operazione cieli bui” (i.e. “operation dark skies”). This was related to energy saving on lighitinh (estimated at 500 MEUR/year) by applying best-practice guidelines already adopted by several regional laws. However, “operation dark skies” was rejected by the parliament … Continue reading Press release by Attivarti.org on the “Dark Skies” operation and on comments it is receiving