Mar. 8, 2019: Amish from Jack White & Friends live in Massa Marittima, Tuscany

TO BE TRANSLATED Gli Amish from Jack White sono un progetto nato un paio di anni fa dall’incrocio fra Dario Canal, frontman degli Etruschi from Lakota, e Alessio Ricci, chitarrista dei Crimson Thunder di Piombino. Galeotto fu il teatro, e dopo la collaborazione nella preparazione di uno spettacolo, partì lo spin off di musica dal … Continue reading Mar. 8, 2019: Amish from Jack White & Friends live in Massa Marittima, Tuscany

“White night” in Massa Marittima (Southern Tuscany)

The initial application was made as (the Italian OSGEO Chapter, for which at the time I was acting as communication/marketing manager). However, the table acting as a stand embedded also other elements of the stories at the time. Among others, a loop show of “The revenge of the Killer Chihuahuas and of the … Continue reading “White night” in Massa Marittima (Southern Tuscany)

Alone, in a Group, or with your Horse: so the Twist becomes Joy without Borders (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition)

The online versione of the article by Luca Barbieri is on the Il Tirreno web site, together with a video to become part of the Summer edition of the song. Below we are providing a fast-track translation of the main article. The second article by Sara Landi provides more general background on the network … Continue reading Alone, in a Group, or with your Horse: so the Twist becomes Joy without Borders (Il Tirreno, Grosseto edition)