On the Road with the “maggerini” from Tatti, Southern Tuscany

[this is about a documentary made for the May celebrations in Tatti in 2019. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions and the impossibility of have the real 2020 celebration, the author of the documentary, Lilian “Mattuschka” Peschke, decided to make it available online. The translation of the full article will follow, or write to micalosapevo@pibinko.org for … Continue reading On the Road with the “maggerini” from Tatti, Southern Tuscany

International Open Data Day in Tatti, Tuscany: how did it go?

Dopo l’annuncio dell’evento sul sito pibinko.org e il rilancio de Il Tirreno ed. Grosseto, vediamo qualche fase saliente della giornata del 2 marzo 2019 a Tatti, frazione di Massa Marittima (GR), per la nona edizione dello International Open Data Day. Tranne le prime due (di pibinko), le foto sono di Valeria Trumpy dell’Agricampeggio Ixtlan. Kudos … Continue reading International Open Data Day in Tatti, Tuscany: how did it go?

BuioMetria Partecipativa (participatory night sky monitoring)

(Since February 2008) In 2008 I created and launched the  BuioMetria Partecipativa (BMP) project. The project is a combination of awareness raising, participatory light pollution monitoring, and promotion of dark-sky areas. It is primarily focused on Italy in terms of monitoring area, but operates on an international scale in terms of vision and relations. The … Continue reading BuioMetria Partecipativa (participatory night sky monitoring)


This is a partial list of talks given in “institutional” settings. To these you should add the events I directly organized since 2008, and the invited talks in more “creative” settings on palla a 21, buiometria partecipativa and similar topics. You may find a reference to these in the pibinko.org blog and in the News … Continue reading Talks