Following the installations of the mobile museum in various Italian sites (with the one in Florence with a cultural and archaeological focus on February 23, 2019 as a flagship event to date), we are glad to announce that the same situation will have an exhibition space within the final event of the “Doing it Together Science” (DITOs) European Project.
You may visit us on Wednesday, April 3, at the Brussels Natural Sciences Museum.
This is not the first time that palla a 21 balls, night sky quality meters, forgotten Tuscan valley community maps, or geomusical song lists travel with pibinko, but this is the first time that these items will be proposed in an official EU exhibition space.
The network will be present in a group of fourteen stands from various European countries, as well as the European Commission itself:

Thanking the DITOs project for this opportunity and for granting travel support, we go back to work on the final preparations for the mission, with The Seeker in the background.
The outcome of this experience will be reported to our audience at home towards the end of April, with three events planned in Southern Tuscany (see the first call)
For more information / +393317539228.