One of the stories that we like to tell during our gigs, concerning Wolfgang “The Wolf” Scheibe is that he has seen Jimi Hendrix live. Not once, twice. And not over months or years, but two evenings in a row. Man: these experiences are bound to open your mind, as another James said!
A couple of days ago Wolf found online the poster of one of the two concerts he attended, so he could remember the actual dates: January 14 and 15, 1969. He also told us yesterday that, starting from these two dates, and following a Proust-like “search of lost time”, he started remembering a bunch of people and situations related to those two days.

At this point we have two questions:
- There are people who start from a biscuit and write books. If we have a printer who starts from a poster, what might he produce?
- Are there other folks who have seen Jimi Hendrix live, and who would like to get in touch with Wolfgang (and the other members of the Jug Band Colline Metallifere gang…they haven’t see Jimi live, but they have been listening to him a lot)?
If you have an answer to at least one of these two questions, please write to or whatsapp +393317539228. We give you our best regards with Simone Sandrucci, Dario Canal and Samuele Boscagli covering Angel by Jimi after a JBCM gig at Le Volte in Roccatederighi (Southern Tuscany). This was Dec. 10, 2022: