Monthly Archives: March 2022

Tuesday, March 29, 2022 -Presentation of the Jug Band Colline Metallifere at the ECSA working group on Empowerment, Inclusiveness, and Equality (online)

The European Citizen Science Association was born around ten years ago to group experts from all around the continent on the topic of citizen science. The association has various working groups, and since 2019 Jack O’Malley from the Jug Band Colline Metallifere is part of the one on “empowerment, inclusiveness and equality”, under the name of Andrea Giacomelli (who, has actually been working on citizen science projects since 2008). In fact, the JBCM is one of the working group’s sub-projects, and in September 2020 it also provided musical facilitation for one of the workshops in the ECSA general conference.

Tuesday, March 29, at 4PM (CET), in the monthly teleconference of the “EIE” working group, Andrea Giacomelli will be presenting the JBCM’s activities for 2022 and will explain how it is possible to collaborate with it, especially in relation to the European tour currently in preparation for the end of June (see our March 7 article), as well as other project currently in the process of being launched in Italy.

The Zoom link to follow the presentation is:

As an introduction, if you have not seen it already, we invite you to follow the interview/concert which was streamed in December from Deejay Fox Radio in Milano (see full video below. The video is in Italian but an English translation of all the show is available from this link). For more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228

Until March 31 you can order a hand-made T-shirt (made by the JBCM)

This was a selection from the “Lavorare! Con lentezza” series, printed in October 2021. A couple of these are still available (please write to for more information.

After the fortunate “Lavorare con lentezza” T-shirt series, inspired by then Enzo del Re song which the JBCM is performing in its new set (e.g. see this Dec. 17, 2021 performance), two Sundays ago we sat down and thought of a new T-shirt for our Spring-Summer collections. With a little brainstorming, considering the activities and tours which we are planning, the topics of wine and feelings emerged as key points. Wolfgang then translated these into “red” and “non-filtered white” versions which you can see in the header image for this blog post.

Should you be interested in this second limited-edition T-shirt, please write to indicating the size (S, M, L, XL), the number of T-shirts per size and per colour of the wine. You will be re-contacted to confirm payment and delivery options.

Wolfgang, our one-string bass player and official printer (with his own jingle ), together with his assistants will proceed to print the T-shirt. After one week of drying, these will be ready for delivery.

The cost of a T-shirt (with “Fruit of the Loom” or equivalent fabric quality) is 25 Euro (as Wolfgang says: „Handmade by adulti Maremmani“!).

Shipping costs need to be added to this amount…but we are more than glad of reducing the shipping if you happen to be along the route of one of the network “couriers”. Based on current plans, between April 8 and 9 we will be in Northern Italy, between Trento and Bologna, and at the end of June we are planning a European tour, which you can find explained in this article).

For more information and booking: o whatsapp 3317539228

Tattistampa will participate to the Day of Art Prints

Tattistampa, the smallest hand-made print shop in Southern Tuscany, will participate to the Day of Art Printing, which since 2018 is celebrated in Germany on the 15th of March.

Why an Italian operation is participating to a German initiative is easily explained: Wolfgang Scheibe, Tattistampa’s owner, lives in Italy but spent the first sixty years of this creative life in Germany (bar some creative whereabout in the Seventies).

Tattistampa is, at the moment, the only print shop who answered the call out of German-speaking countries (you may see here the map). Alles gut.

If on Tuesday, March 15, you happen to be in the Metalliferous Hills north of Grosseto and you like the idea of visiting Wolgang’s priny shop, please write to book a slot. This will be a unique opportunity to have a look at a melting pot of talent, combining printing, design, and music (the presence of other elements of the Jug Band Colline Metallifere is to be confirmed).

A few Tattistampa gigs:

The presentation of the official Tattistampa website:

Here we go with “More Street for All”, a new project by the Jug Band Colline Metallifere in collaboration with whoever wants to collaborate

After the seriese of Zoom interviews held between February and the first week-end of March on culture, environment, open innovation, and music, here is a new proposal from the international and inter-generational collective bringing you “concerPTs” since 2018, with a base camp in the Tuscan Metalliferous Hills and activities here and there.

In past years we did have occasional gigs or jam sessions on the street. However, with the beginning of the warm season in 2021, with the Jug Band Colline Metallifere (and many others) we decided to organize a bit more our street presence. In Italy this implies requesting a permit from the local city administration (Comune), to be combined with national-level permits depending on the type of performance. In addition to this, since Italy is renown and loved because of the diverisity of its territory, the local permits tend to vary from one Comune to the other.

This year we were about to start laying out the plans for another season “on the street”, but we spent a little time considering how to improve the process we followed last year. And how to help a sector which has been strongly impacted in 2020-2021, where the energies available now should be dedicated more to perform and to create, than to spend time on institutional web sites, trying to find the right form to download.

To this end, we have assembled a small but determined editorial board, currently composed by the core members of the JBCM collective (Dario Canal, Simone Sandrucci, Wolfgang Scheibe e Jack O’Malley alias pibinko), together with Peter Barbers in Bologna and Andy Rocchi in Grosseto. In the coming weeks we will be extending the information which we collected last year in relation to Southern Tuscany, and we will be sharing it. You may consult the list/atlas of locations from this page:, and you may find the instructions to participate and support the project on this page.

At the time of writing the atlas is more like a short list, but as soon as we reach the critical mass required to create a useful map, with will publish it in a few clicks (thanks to pibinko’s mapping tricks).

For more information: