The schedule is subject to additions – for more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228. Please also check out this page for more details on each event.

The schedule is subject to additions – for more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228. Please also check out this page for more details on each event.
The 2023 Brezel Tour started on June 16 and ended on Sep. 14 after 22 events in three European countries. A summary of the tour was published on Sep. 15:
Please also see the “News” section of this site in the June-September date range to see what happened in relation to the tour:
Below is the initial flyer for the tour. For more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228
…in preparation for the tour, in addition to sending you some songs we like with the brezelbag serie, oltre a mandarvi un po’ di canzoncine che ci piacciono, in preparazione del Brezel Tour 2023, we have updated the lyrics from our 2022 “Non-formal Education Tour 2022”.
You will find a couple of new songs, while also some arrangements have been changed. For more information and booking (and to order the Brezel Tour T-shirts): o whatsapp 3317539228.
During the preparations for the Brezel Tour 2023. For more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228 ….and the T-shirts (order them HERE).
Here we go…we designed them…we printed them, and we ironed them. Now they are ready for you to order. Our current stock is:
The cost of a T-shirt is 20 Euro, plus shipping costs. If you come to one of our events, shipping is zero, and we get to say hello.
If you are interested in this limited edition T-shirt, please write to or send a whatsapp message to +393317539228, indicating the size/sizes you are interested in and the number of shirts. You will be re-contacted to confirm availability, payment methods, and delivery details.
…may the Brezel be with you, and kudos to Tattistampa!
…se vi siete persi il momento della stampa, potete rivederlo in questo articolo di domenica scorsa…nel frattempo un altro momento della produzione nella sede di Tattistampa. Le magliette saranno pronte per essere ordinate a breve. Per altre informazioni e booking: oppure whatsapp 3317539228.