Postponed to July 9 2022 – The “Palla 21” Day at Altrimondi, Follonica, Tuscany

On Saturday, July 9 , at 6.30PM come and meet with some characters which since the Seventies, together with the communities of six hamlets, are keeping alive in the Metalliferous Hills of Southern Tuscany an ancient game: palla a 21 (or palla eh!).

Claudio “Bob” Spinosi, with Jack O’Malley and Dario Canal from the Jug Band dalle Colline Metallifere, will lead you to discover a world of games which is parallel to other mainstream sports, while making you travel across valleys and hills of Southern Tuscany, reaching Chicago, Illinois, and ending with a ball construction workshop by Ilo Ferrandi.

Looking forward to see you!