Monthly Archives: February 2017

March 4, 2017: Open Data Day in Torniella (with opening in Scansano and closing in Castelnuovo Val di Cecina)

Saturday, March 4, for the International Open Data Day, the beta version of the Farma Valley Community Map will be presented in Torniella (GR), Southern Tuscany: meet us at 6PM in the Torniella Band/ARCI club in the main square of the village.

The event is in the line of initiatives that the founders have been proposing since the birth of, and even earlier, with their experiences in the Italian OSGEO Chapter (, the BuioMetria Partecipativa project (where data are published with an open licence), and similar activities. already held an Open Data Day event in the Farma Valley back in 2013. This year our presence, in addition to promoting the importance of having events in lesser known locations, also extends its reach, creating a small network in Southern Tuscany, with one event before March 4, and one after.

At 6PM on Friday, March 3 in Scansano, at the cafe “La Posta” in Garibaldi square, we will have an opening meet-up. Here we will present to the local community the Farma Valley experiences and we will attempt to launch similar participatory mapping works, having received expressions of interest for this in the past months.

Finally, on March 5, at 6PM, at the Rinascita community club in Castelnuovo Val di Cecina, we will have a third meet-up, organized jointly with Associazione Il Tiglio, providing a summary of the two previous events, and without neglecting the participation of some components ofEtruschi from Lakota.

Last but not least, Saturday evening in Castelnuovo Val di Cecina you might want to check the live set by Eugenio Rodondi (just to chill out a little in the midst of our Open Data events).

The three-day string of events will be the prelude to the mission to Milano at the Fa’ la Cosa Giusta fair, where will will share with a large milanese audience our experiences from Southern Tuscany.

For more information: / +393511337020

The poster presented at the FOSS4G-IT conference (Feb. 9-10, 2017)

The title of the poster is: Analysis of socio-economic benefits of Earth Observation methods with a free/open source approach: the Summary of case from Southern Tuscany to Europe. The right side of the poster was edited “live” prior to the poster session, in about an hour.

To see the full-size poster and read the details, click here. Also, you may want to check the presentation made by Etruschi from Lakota during the poster session.

The poster is in Italian. If you don’t read Italian and require specific clarifications, please let me know.

Amish from Jack White

Musical duo composed by Dario Canal and Alessio Ricci (respectively left and right in the photo), occasionally featuring friends and foes

Amish from Jack White featuring Jack O’Malley and Wolfgang Scheibe (in the rhythm section) from the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band. Photo by Luciano Massetti

Geomatics and music at FOSS4G-IT in Genova, Italy

With pibinko, Carlo Nardi, and some of Etruschi from Lakota we presented at FOSS4G-IT 2017 a poster on “Analysis of socio-economic benefits of Earth Observation methods with a free/open source approach: a case study between Southern Tuscany and Europe“.

I have been interacting now almost two years with a team which partly does geomatics and land planning, and partly writes music about their territories…are we on the verge of geomusic? or of musimatics? Only playing will tell.

Two of the co-authors, Luigi Ciampini and Pietro Marini, were missing in action (for today).

Some highlights of the presentation

The warm-up during the “ birthday”, with some riffs following After Dark by Tito & the Tarantulas.

…zzogiorno di grano (See the full version from another set Mezzogiorno di grano)

Corn Flakes (see official video)

Kudos by Domenico Sguerso

The slate-coloured rocks of Roccatederighi (when it’s raining)


Fossimo stati in Danimarca, non sarebbe stato un grosso problema, ma la pioggerellina (a volte “come le funi”) e la nebbia con visibilità 10 metri nelle strade del Rally di Maremma non hanno incoraggiato la partecipazione al ritrovo “da Giannino” sabato e domenica scorsi.

Ciononostante, un po’ di persone sono venute, ed erano quelle giuste. Magari quattro o cinque in pù ci potevano stare, ma già dieci in più, con questa stagione, avrebbero determinato senza volerlo un ambiente meno godibile.

Nella somma della due giorni, abbiamo consumato una metà delle provviste sarde, tre quarti delle schiacce farcite del forno, non abbiamo finito i due boccioni di vino da tavola (rosato di Dorgali e rosso della Trexenta). In parallelo, ci sono stati vari scambi e interazioni, a base di chitarre, enciclopedie degli anni Settanta, artisti di strada (in borghese e fuori servizio), piemontesi in trasferta per amore, e preparativi di trasferte in Piemonte per amore (della musica). Si è discettato di Woody e Arlo Guthrie, frane sopra Baunei, Diodoro Siculo, lavorazione del granito, musica grunge e altri temi che ora sfuggono. Per quattro ore di due giorni…Non era un’osteria, non era un caffé letterario, non era un simposio, non era una Winter School. Qualcosa era. Magari si ripete.

Per domande specifiche: