Category Archives: Photos

A Photographic Version of the Network

Speaking to people about what we do, something we go for metaphors, sometimes for equations, sometimes for songs, or sometimes we just close our eyes and feel the breeze.

To provide yet another expression for the concept of “interdisciplinary protection and promotion of lesser known assets in the fields of culture, environment, and open innovation” I wrote a few lines of code displaying all of the photos published on this WordPress site in a row. This generates a sort of mosaic.

The result is a log which is partly in chronological order (for each event we do we have at least one photo on the site), and partly not, since we are also gradually importing to the site photos of things we did in pre-blog times (since 2000), which in the system are assigned the data of when the file is uploaded. In any case the effect is interesting, and some of you may recognise situations and folks.

To see the whole “movie” try: . This will get you almost 1000 images (as of July 10, 2019), and will require some time to load, although the final effect is neat. Otherwise, you can try the month-by-month option:


JulyAugust SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember

If some of the shots capture your curiosity, you can try and find the corresponding news on the blog, of write for more information.

The core of the images starts in 2015.