Lithobag #25, May 4, 2020: Pietre

This was the first song which came to Jack O’Malley’s mind during the Participatory Lithology planning phase (March 15-20) to give a mood to the project. It was subsequently used as a base for the first rhyming presentation of the project, performed by Francesco Ceri from Matti delle Giuncaie. Starting form May 3, you can vote for Francesco’s song in the the Lith Parade, from which we will create a chart of the six geomusical songs produced by Jug Band Colline Metallifere & friends during Phase 1. Votate, votate, votate.

These were the lyrics by Jack O’Malley for Francesco:

Sono a Tatti e fotografo le pietre | I am in Tatti, taking picture of stones
Sto a Torino e classifico le pietre | I am in Turin, and I am classifying stones
Dovunque sono, sai, dei minerali assai | wherever I may be, if there loads of minerals
li analizzo dalla rete senza guai | I analyze them on the net with no troubles
Sarà così – finché mi va – sarà così | this is how it’s going to be, as long as I want to
Quando ho fatto, a classificar le pietre | when I am done with classifying stones
ci faremo un bel sito con le pietre | we will make a nice site with our stones
Ma non solo in rete dài, se volete siamo qua | but, come on, not just on the web…if like we are here
ci verrete a visitar in Maremma | you can come and visit us in Maremma [i.e. Southern Tuscany]

Since on May 4 I Italy we are starting “phase bue“, we thought of letting you hear the original song, which technically was not yet aired as a Lithobag. Most of all, we need to let you appreciate the hairdos of some of the characters in this video.

For information and booking:

Tu sei buono e ti tirano le pietre. | you’re a good guy, and they throw stones at you
Sei cattivo e ti tirano le pietre. | you’re a bad guy, and they throw stones at you
Qualunque cosa fai, dovunque te ne vai, | Whatever you do, wherever you go
sempre pietre in faccia prenderai.| you will always get stones in your face
Tu sei ricco e ti tirano le pietre | you’re rich, and they throw stones at you
Non sei ricco e ti tirano le pietre | you’re not rich, and they throw stones at you
Al mondo non c’è mai qualcosa che gli va | In this world there is never anything ok
e pietre prenderai senza pietà! | a without pity stones you will get
Sarà così finché vivrai Sarà così | so it will be, until you live
Se lavori, ti tirano le pietre.| if you work, they throw stones at you
Non fai niente e ti tirano le pietre. | if you’re idle, they throw stones at you
Qualunque cosa fai capire tu non puoi | whatever you do, you cannot understand
se è bene o male quello che tu fai. | if it is good or base
Tu sei bello e ti tirano le pietre. | you’re handsome, and they throw stones at you
Tu sei brutto e ti tirano le pietre. | you’re ugly, and they throw stones at you
E il giorno che vorrai difenderti vedrai | and the day that you will want to defend yourself, you shall see
che tante pietre in faccia prenderai! | that you will get a load of stones in you face!
Sarà così finché vivrai Sarà così.